Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Animals of the World..

A few weeks ago, Mr. Densen came to our classroom and showed us how to use a new program called "Microsoft Power Point". We had the chance to put together a slideshow. Here is a sample of one of our student's first slideshows. Well done Erica !!

Animals Of The World2003
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Students help raise funds...

A group of students from 2B were very busy last Wednesday morning. They were helping serve customers coffee and muffins at the Timberland restaurant. Proceeds from this fund raiser were donated toward the Sam Goudy Medical fund. Sam is a student in our classroom who is awaiting a kidney transplant. The students helped raise over $400.00. Well done !!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Counting using "Ten Frames".

How many kernels of corn are there in one handful ? Students were presented with this problem, and were asked to solve it using ten frames. Making groups of ten made the job a whole lot easier. "Counting by 10's is easier and faster"said Tiffany. "I'm real good at counting by 10's" commented Colby. The verdict is in, there are a lot of kernels in a handful of popcorn, but it is easier and faster to make groups of ten when counting them.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Halloween...

Happy Halloween…