Monday, September 27, 2010

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, no it's a SNAKE !!

We had the most amazing show and share today. Our special guest arrived in style,inside a very large pickle jar. No , it wasn't a frog, snail, mouse or a pickle. It was indeed a snake. A Garter Snake to be exact. Thanks to Robby for asking his Mom and Dad to come to school and share the most amazing information about Garter Snakes. The students were so excited , and yet were so eager to ask questions in order to learn more about these most resounding reptiles. Thank you Marty for taking time to come into our classroom and allowing us to experience "All about snakes " and for answering all of our questions. If this wasn't exciting enough, we also had another special guest pop into our classroom. Miss Aviva Dunsiger's Grade one class from Ancaster Meadows School in Hamilton Ontario joined us via a Skype Video conference call. This is one of the many ways that we can collaborate and learn with classrooms from all around the world. They also had a chance to see the snake via live streaming video, and had the opportunity to ask Marty questions. All in all it was a pretty spectacular afternoon of learning, sharing, and collaborating.


Aviva said...

Thank you for letting us share this special Show and Tell with your class! It was awesome. We learned a lot about snakes this afternoon.

Looking forward to sharing with you more again soon!

Aviva Dunsiger and Her Grade 1 Class

Kane said...

That is a great blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I cannot believe how many kids touched the snake. Great work everyone for trying something new!

Mrs. Boychuk