Friday, May 28, 2010

Hug a Tree !!!

On Tuesday Randy Antonio from Search and Rescue Manitoba vistied our Grade Two classrooms to talk about "How to Stay Safe " when lost in the outdoors.

Adventure Smart is a national program supported by Federal Grants to the Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada (SARVAC). The programs provided under the Adventure Smart program are designed to promote outdoor activities with an emphasis on safety and proper preparation.

The key teaching points for the Hug A Tree presentation are:
1) Tell and adult where you are going;
2) If you are lost, Hug A Tree and Stay Put;
3) Stay warm and dry;
4) Help Searchers find you.

Students received an emergency kit to use when going on hikes or excursions in the outdoors. It was a very informative session, with students participating and asking some very good questions. Thank you Adventure Smart .

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