Sunday, May 2, 2010

Max the Hedgehog...

Hedgehogs make the most unusual  and unique pets,  and on Friday we were lucky enough to have an up close and personal encounter with one. Seth's mom was kind enough to bring his Hedgehog "Max" to spend part of the afternoon with us. To make things even more exciting, Miss Dunsiger's  Grade 1 class  from Hamilton , Ontario, joined us via a video Skype call. Thank you for joining us and asking Seth a lot of really inquisitive questions. Seth did a fantastic job fielding questions, and sharing his knowledge about his most interesting pet. Seth also said that having a pet required a lot of hard work and responsibility, and you should be prepared to look after your pet before you get one. Thanks Seth, our "Hedgehog Expert!"

Skype Call with Grade 1 from Rob McDonald on Vimeo.

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